



I went to a “Chanpon” restaurant in Nagasaki city. Mr. Masaharu Fukuyama; a famous Japanese actor, goes to that restaurant when he comes back his family home.

We weren’t excited because this is the second time to eat “Chanpon” and we were not starving.
The owner was irritated because of too many customers within consecutive holidays.
So I felt uncomfortable.

Maybe I will not go that restaurant for the next visit to Nagasaki.
But Chanpon was tasty.

福山雅治のちゃんぽん福山雅治が帰省した時によく食べるというちゃんぽんの店(思案橋ラーメン)に行ってみた。実はこの日二杯目のちゃんぽんで、それほどお腹が空いていない状態で食べてしまったためか、若干感動「薄」。 しかも連休中で店が混んでいるためか、店主のイライラ感が客にも伝わってきてなんだか居心地が悪い。次の機会も行くか?と聞かれたらちょっと微妙・・・。別にマズいわけではないんですけどね・・・。 http://hornets.homeunix.org/I went to a “Chanpon” restaurant in Nagasaki city. Mr. Masaharu Fukuyama; a famous Japanese actor, goes to that restaurant when he comes back his family home.We weren’t excited because this is the second time to eat “Chanpon” and we were not starving.The owner was irritated because of too many customers within consecutive holidays. So I felt uncomfortable. Maybe I will not go that restaurant for the next visit to Nagasaki.But Chanpon was tasty.
