





Our one of trends is taking a walk like “BURATAMORI”.

BURATAMORI is a famous TV program at Saturday night. We try to walk the same streets as BURATAMORI. The streets that Mr. Tamori, walked are introduced in the website. It’s easy to trace to the same place.

Most places BURATAMORI introduced has no big features, so we almost pass through without attention. But it is very interesting that there is a history and unique topography.

It drably but interesting.

This picture was taken at a slope near the Glover-Garden that is the most famous sightseeing spot in NAGASAKI.
ブラタモリごっこ最近、我々の中で流行っているのが「ブラタモリごっこ」土曜の夜にやっているNHKの番組「ブラタモリ」で紹介された場所に行ってみるのだ。紹介された場所はブラタモリのホームページに地図付きで載っているのでわかりやすい。実際に行ってみると「こりゃ、知らなかったら素通りしちゃってるわ〜」という場所ばかり。なんの変哲も無い場所にも歴史や独特の地形が関わっていると思うとなかなか面白いよ。ガイド本を追っかけた旅よりも派手さは無いが面白い。ちなみに、この写真は長崎の有名な観光スポットである「グラバー園」の近くにある坂道。http://hornets.homeunix.org/Our one of trends is taking a walk like “BURATAMORI”. BURATAMORI is a famous TV program at Saturday night. We try to walk the same streets as BURATAMORI. The streets that Mr. Tamori, walked are introduced in the website. It’s easy to trace to the same place.Most places BURATAMORI introduced has no big features, so we almost pass through without attention. But it is very interesting that there is a history and unique topography. It drably but interesting.This picture was taken at a slope near the Glover-Garden that is the most famous sightseeing spot in NAGASAKI.
