




I fell in love with this pen at first sight on TV. It is made by Tombow pencil co., ltd. The name is “Pfit”.

It is smaller than normal pencil. It is very compact. but it has an big clip like a clothes pin.

This clip works well. We can pinch this pen easily to the pocket of our clothes etc. When we grab the clip, the ink will be stored automatically.
Sometimes we accidentally write down on our clothes when we pinch a pen to the pocket. But in case of using this pen, thanks to this function, there is no chance to do that.

Because it is very compact,  I think it is very useful when we go abroad and fill up an immigration card in the airplane.

海外旅行に使えそう・・・ テレビで見かけてすぐに買ってしまった、「トンボ鉛筆」の「PFit」と言うボールペン。普通のボールペンに比べて大きさが手の平サイズとコンパクトで、洗濯ばさみのように動く、大きめのクリップが付いている。このクリップが便利で、服のポケットとかいろんなところに簡単にはさめてしまうので便利。しかも、このクリップの部分を開くとボールペンの芯が自動で収納される仕組みになっているので、芯をうっかり出したまま胸ポケットに挿してしまい、服にビーッとボールペンの線がついてしまうようなトラブルも防げる。この大きさだったらかさばらないので、海外旅行に行った時に、機内で入国カードを書くためにポケットとかに忍ばせておけば便利かも・・・。 http://hornets.homeunix.orgI fell in love with this pen at first sight on TV. It is made by Tombow pencil co., ltd. The name is “Pfit”. It is smaller than normal pencil. It is very compact. but it has an big clip like a clothes pin.This clip works well. We can pinch this pen easily to the pocket of our clothes etc. When we grab the clip, the ink will be stored automatically. Sometimes we accidentally write down on our clothes when we pinch a pen to the pocket. But in case of using this pen, thanks to this function, there is no chance to do that.Because it is very compact,  I think it is very useful when we go abroad and fill up an immigration card in the airplane.
