








I found a persimmon called “Fudegaki” in a super market near my house.

I checked why it is called “Fudegaki” in Internet. It is called “Fudegaki” because of the shape like a tip of writing brush.

There are two types of persimmons in the same tree. One is sweet type, and the other is mouth-puckering type. They are sorted by machine.
I was surprised to hear that. Why can the machine sort them?

By the way, I heard that “Fudegaki” was very sweet and the skin was thin, so we didn’t need to peel the skin.

I thought it’s easy to eat without peeling the skin. So I bought it.
To think the skin of normal persimmon, do we really need to peel it?
Maybe we don’t need to peel the skin.

I tried to eat it without peeling the skin.
The small skin which is crushed in my mouse annoys me a little.
But I can still eat. The more I ate, the less I felt the skin.

If you tend to find most things bothersome, Fudegaki will suit you.

気にならなければそのままどうぞ近くのスーパーで「筆柿」という種類の柿を見つけた。ネットで調べてみると、形状が筆の穂先に似ているために、そう呼ばれている種類だそうだ。驚きなのは、一本の木に甘い柿と渋い柿が両方実ってしまうそうなのだが、渋い柿は選別機で選り分けられるらしい。どうして選別できるんだぁ?そんなことはともかく、この柿の売り文句は「とても甘く、皮が薄いのでそのまま丸かじりできる」とのこと。 「お〜!皮をむく手間が省けるなんてイイね!」ということで思わず購入。よくよく考えれば、柿を皮ごと食べても問題なさそうだし、なんで今まで当たり前のように皮をむいていたんだろう?と考え直す。さてさて、ではこの筆柿を丸かじりしてみよう!う〜ん、確かに食べられないことは無い。しかしながら実の部分に比べて当然固い皮の部分が噛み砕かれて口いっぱいに広がることは否めない。多少気になるっちゃあ気になるが「まあそうゆうもんだ」と思って食べれば、そんなに違和感はなくなりそう。とりあえず、今日までに2個食べたのだが、1個目よりも2個目の方が違和感が少なく感じた。「慣れる」ってこんなもんよね。確かに甘みも強いので、柿好きの方で面倒くさがりの人にはオススメだ。I found a persimmon called “Fudegaki” in a super market near my house.I checked why it is called “Fudegaki” in Internet. It is called “Fudegaki” because of the shape like a tip of writing brush.There are two types of persimmons in the same tree. One is sweet type, and the other is mouth-puckering type. They are sorted by machine.I was surprised to hear that. Why can the machine sort them?By the way, I heard that “Fudegaki” was very sweet and the skin was thin, so we didn’t need to peel the skin.I thought it's easy to eat without peeling the skin. So I bought it.To think the skin of normal persimmon, do we really need to peel it?Maybe we don’t need to peel the skin.I tried to eat it without peeling the skin.The small skin which is crushed in my mouse annoys me a little.But I can still eat. The more I ate, the less I felt the skin.If you tend to find most things bothersome, Fudegaki will suit you.
