




China powerThere ware many Chinese tourist in famous sightseeing spots in NAGASAKI.

I wondered why.

I found a very very big floating hotel at Nagasaki port when I took a walk. It seemed that they came to Nagasaki with this ship, and went to the spots.

I had never gotten on a big floating hotel like this. But many Chinese can. I feel the “China Power” with this scene.

I’v been planning to go round the world trip by floating hotel with my wife. When can we go?

中国パワー長崎の観光ポイントに行くと、必ずと言っていいほど、すごい人数の中国人観光客で溢れていた。 「なんだ?なんだ?」と思っていたのだが、夜にたまたま長崎港付近を通りかかったら、超大型のクルーズ船が停泊していた。どうやら、この船に中国人観光客が大量に乗っていたようで、ここからいろんな場所に散らばって行った模様。自分はこんな豪華な客船に乗った経験はないのだが、さすが勢いのある中国だなぁ〜と肌で感じる光景だった。タイミングを見計らって妻と一緒に長い時間をかけて豪華客船での世界一周の旅に出ようと画策中なのだが、いつになったら行けるだろうか・・・。 http://hornets.homeunix.org/China powerThere ware many Chinese tourist in famous sightseeing spots in NAGASAKI.I wondered why. I found a very very big floating hotel at Nagasaki port when I took a walk. It seemed that they came to Nagasaki with this ship, and went to the spots.I had never gotten on a big floating hotel like this. But many Chinese can. I feel the “China Power” with this scene.I’v been planning to go round the world trip by floating hotel with my wife. When can we go?
